Friday, April 19, 2013

Current Event 4.19.13

This article was about the two identified bombers from the Boston Marathon Bombing. It talked about the two Chechen immigrants and how the bomb was created and that when they identified the items in the bomb the knew the bombers were from over seas. They also mentioned that one of the bombers was killed during a early shoot out today. Which means that this article was posted early this morning. 

This is the website I found my article from.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Game Demo Presentation

Team Name: Father of Games Student: Luar G. Game Name: The Dangers of Driving Question: What makes your game from the ages 10-18? What I liked about your presentation was that the primary game scene had so many colors and is moving. Team Name: Bal-lets Student: Miranda G. Game Name: A Healthy Choice Question: What made you choose to make your game about ballerinas? What I liked about your presentation was that it was very colorful and had great grammar. Team Name: Dynimite Student: Jonae H. Game Name: Let's Drive Question: What sound are you gonna put in your game? What I liked about your presentation was that you told us in description how to play the game. Team Name: Gods Student: Draylen M. Game Name: Healthy Living For Old People Question: What made you choose the age group of 9-18 What I liked about your presentation was that it will help us the future. Team Name: Team Alexis Student: Alexis Game Name: Do You Know Your Signs? Question: Will there be a message box to give information about the signs? What I liked about your presentation was that it is a very original game idea. Team Name: Dynimite Student: Julissa Game Name: Let's Drive Question: Why aren't the arrow key going to be able to move the character? What I liked about your presentation was that it was very colorful. Team Name: Flash Animators Student: Dajon Game Name: Drive Bad = Be Sad Question: What items will the player collect to receive coins? What I liked about your presentation was that it had a slide effect on each slide and had a great description. Team Name: Bal-lets Student: Franchesca R. Game Name: A Healthy Choice Question: What made you to choose to do your game on ballerinas? What I liked about your presentation was that it is very unique and very original. Team Name: Smiles Student: Alexander Q. Game Name: Drive Safe, Don't Text Question: What made you choose the title? What I liked about your presentation was that it was very descriptive. Team Name: Bal-lets Student: Vivica Game Name: A Healthy Choice Question: What made you think of letting the player choose between a boy or girl ballerina? What I liked about your presentation was that it was descriptive and very colorful. Team Name: Guardian Angels Student: Marianna Game Name: You Got To Know, To Be On The Road Question: What made you choose the age group from 10-18 years old? What I liked about your presentation was that it was very descriptive and very imaginable. Team Name: Girl You Crazy Student: Kenzie Game Name: Drunk Driving Question: What made you choose to make your game topic on drunk driving? What I liked about your presentation was that it is original and unique. Team Name: Flash Animators Student: Isaiah Game Name: Drive Bad = Be Sad Question: What gave you the ides for the title of your game. What I liked about your presentation was that it had a slide effect on each slide. Team Name: Smiles Student: Maria B. Game Name: Drive Safe, Don't Text Question: What made you choose to make your game about texting? What I liked about your presentation was that it was unique and colorful.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Title Scene, Instructions and Primary Game Scene

This is the title scene for our game demo.
This is the instructions page for our game demo.
This is the primary game scene for our game demo.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Smart Factor, Original Factor and Style Factor

This is the smart factor for our game.
This is the original factor for our game.
This is the style factor for our game.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fun Factor, Game Play and Learning Goal

This is the fun factor for our game.
This is the game play for our game.
This is the learning goal for our game.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Game Intro, Team Intro and Audience for Game Demo

This is the Game Intro for our game.
This is the Team Intro for our game.
This is the Audience for our game.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Primary Game Scene

This is a Flash drawing of what our primary game scene might look like for the game demo.